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Best Top 10 MLM Tips for Beginners

Today, I want to share my top 10 MLM Tips for Beginners. These are some simple and practical tips that will help any new and inexperienced network marketer get started right, right out the gate.

Let’s face it; every distributor was brand new at some point. When you are new you don’t know what you don’t know! So many folks get started in our industry wrong because of their inexperience, poor mentorship, lack of skills, and unrealistic expectations. My goal is to help fix that. After reading this post you will know 10 things you MUST DO to get started right. Enjoy the training.

Powerful Top 10 MLM Tips to Succeed in Network Marketing

Top 10 MLM Tips

Interested in networking marketing? We’re glad you stopped by. Here are 10 powerful network marketing tips for guaranteed success that smash those business goals and get you the results you want.

# 1 Focus

Without a doubt, you will need to focus on your business. That means you only promote one network marketing company and only do one marketing strategy at a time. You avoid shiny objects at all costs. You don’t try to create multiple streams of income right away. You don’t look at other business opportunities. You don’t try 10 different ways to build your business. You don’t listen to five different experts. After you set up your daily action plan and goals and do your initial training, you spend at least 1-2 hours EVERY DAY working on your business, following the strategy and plan you have created.

# 2 Be Serious

Don’t treat it like a joke. Your business is your soul and not a mere hobby. It starts with the right mindset and if you’re willing to succeed, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. That means spending more time investing in yourself, networking with your industry peers, studying up on the latest trends, and applying them. Because knowledge is useless without application.

# 3 Find a Mentor

Find someone in your upline who has accomplished what you are trying to accomplish in the business and follow their lead. This might be your immediate sponsor, but there’s a good chance that you will have to look further up into your upline to find this person. Keep calling until you find someone who is successful, knowledgeable, helpful, accessible, and willing to help you. Follow their lead and do what they recommend. Ask this person to be your personal coach during your first 90 days. The last thing you want to do is follow someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.

# 4 Don’t Treat Your Friends Like Business Prospects

Your friends could turn out to be your most valuable inputs or customers, but that’s a natural process and not one you want to force. If your gut tells you not to sell a product to a friend or pitch it, don’t do it. It only makes things worse and they can tell. Use your judgment and don’t blindly follow what your network marketing class tells you. Learn and tweak what you learn in a way that works for you.

# 5 Pick a Business Building Strategy that Works for You

There are hundreds of different ways to build a successful network marketing business. At the end of the day, you need to develop a simple strategy that works for you. What works for one person might not work for someone else. I believe that we are all wired differently and should use our own talents and abilities to grow a successful business. Different ways to build your business include events, home parties, one-on-one presentations, three ways calls, video marketing, Facebook, email marketing, and more. Pick one method that makes the most sense to you and use that method exclusively. Learn everything you can about that method until you master it.

# 6 Have a Daily to Do List

I am a former Army guy and one of the most important lessons I learned in the Army was the importance of using checklists. I suggest you create a simple daily checklist with 5-10 tasks that you are going to do every day to build your network marketing business. Never EVER go to bed at night (NEVER) until you have done everything on your checklist. An example checklist might look like this:

  1. Talk to five people about the products and/or business
  2. Follow up with leads from the previous day
  3. Send two handwritten notes
  4. Spend 10 minutes on product education
  5. Read for 20 minutes
  6. Talk with upline/mentor

# 7 Plan Out Your Time

Time is our most precious asset. The most common excuse you will hear from people about not doing business is lack of time. The truth is we all have time for things that are important to us. If your business isn’t a top priority, it will never get built. You have to plan out your time every day. What I suggest you do every Sunday night is plan out the upcoming week. Determine what days you will work the business, at what time, and what activities you will do during that time. Write it down in your day planner and have enough discipline to execute it. Check out these time management tips.

Top 10 MLM Tips

# 8 Use Social Media

Social Media is like your ultimate marketing vehicle in cyberspace and a proven kind of network marketing success formula. In real life, finding new team members to recruit can be difficult. But with social media, you could work your way towards building the dream team you want. Invest in paid advertising and actively connect with your audience so that you deliver value. Start with any two platforms and stick to mastering them – like Facebook and LinkedIn. Because you don’t want to be a jack of all trades and master of none when it comes to the digital side of your network marketing.

# 9 Be Consistent

This is quite perhaps the biggest area that new distributors mess up with. You cannot work your business one day a week and expect much to happen. You should work your business minimum of 1-2 hours a day, on the money-producing activities, every day, at least six days a week, for your first two years. If the business is important to you, you will find a way to make this happen. If not, you will find an excuse why you can’t do it. The more consistent you are the better things will go. Being consistent is the # 1 key to success.

# 10 Prepare to Sponsor

While you let new recruits join in on the action, you don’t want to invite a huge crowd. Sponsor a select few who are trustworthy, mentor and train them in your products and services, and give them the environment to grow and thrive.

Yes, you’ll be making a cut from the profits but it’s only after they succeed. The more they succeed, the more you win and the reality is, you’re actually helping them get off the ground and running miles.

Making those sales through network marketing is doable but only if you do it right. Take note of these above tips, use them to the fullest, and you’ll surely see results. And lastly, make sure to constantly keep learning and keep up with the trends. Learn from others’ mistakes and try innovative ways of entertaining and generating new leads. You want your marketing efforts not only to yield rewards but also to be fun.

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